Apocalyptic predictions have been made throughout many centuries. From the Ancient religious text of The Book of Revelation to forbidden literature and its fictional exudence in mainstream Hollywood films; it’s typical to relate apocalyptic projections with fantasy, fabrications or even the bitterness of propaganda.
By using a strange series of mathematical calculations, Isaac Newton was able to predict civilisation’s end in 1704, sometime around the year 2060. While such predictions have typically been mediated by religion, it is perplexing to look back and see the renowned astronomer and physicist indulging in such forecasts.
Nevertheless, over 300 years after Newton’s worldly prediction, in the 1970s a computerised system called “World One,” was originally devised by American engineer Jay Forrester, and his team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
World One’s system was processed and functioned through Australia’s largest computer at the time, candidly presenting a complex model of planet earth and what the human race has done to dismantle its contents.
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First of its kind: World One 1973
World One was devised under the auspices of The Club Of Rome, a supreme and elite society of wealthy industrialists. And oddly enough, the computerised system of dynamics arrived at a similar apocalyptic conclusion as Newton had in the 1700s.
In 1973, the Australian Broadcasting Network (ABC) showcased the newly developed technology of World One. ABC displayed the predictions made by the computer in alarming detail. Exhibiting a complex model of planet earth, World One presents drastic population growth and pollution levels, the adverse exacerbation in civilisations’ quality of life, and the loss of natural wealth and resources – minerals, oils and so on.
Unmercifully, World One predicted the decrease in overall quality of life that would come along in the year 2020, along with its unnerving predictions regarding the total collapse of civilisation. “By 2060, all civilised life as we know it will cease to exist,” said the Australian ABC reporter in 1973.
The Australian broadcast presented World One’s predictions in a printed graph, which detailed four key components that will ultimately lead to the demise of civilisation: “The ‘P’ Curve,” representing the population, “The ‘Q’ Curve,” representing the quality of life, “The ‘N’ Curve,” representing natural resources and “The ‘Z’ Curve,” representing pollution.
World One predicted that by 2040 there would be a global collapse if the drastic expansion of the human population and global industrialisation was to continue at current levels.
Aside from the subtle mirroring of Newton’s 1704 prediction, World One’s predictions have so far proven unnervingly distinguishable from the many predicaments born out of the year 2020, and the years leading up to it. “At around 2020, the condition of the planet becomes highly critical. If we do nothing about it, the quality of life goes down to zero. Pollution becomes so serious it will start to kill people, which in turn will cause the population to diminish, lower than it was in the year 1900.”
Harrowingly, the ABC reporter concludes his guided tour of the World One graphs by saying, “At this stage, around 2040 to 2050, civilised life as we know it on this planet will cease to exist.”
The Club of Rome
Founded in 1968 at Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, Italy, The Club of Rome now consists of around one hundred exclusive members. Consisting of notable scientists, economists, diplomats, businessmen and businesswomen, and high-level civil servants with current and former heads of government.
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This shadowed society of wealthy industrialists and scientists has remained a salient essence in many modern conspiracy theories. Likely due to the club’s notorious founders; Aurelio Peccei, Alexander King, and David Rockefeller. Interestingly, The Club of Rome was featured in the ABC broadcast, leading to their notability for having foreseen the natural and man-made disasters proposed by World One in the early 21st century.
Both Alexander King and Aurelio Peccei made it apparent in the 1973 interview that interdependence (globalism) is the seed that will eventually grow into the drainage of our sovereignty, along with global sovereignty as a whole.
It is clear from analysing the interview that The Club of Rome has many concerns regarding independent nations who freely indulge in private enterprise; nudging at a New World Order. An order in which big government and elite corporations will manage and “take care” of all human needs, wants and whims – acting as a primary parents. Hence King’s persuasion of “Interdependence” rather than “Independence.”
“Dr King, you’re describing the world as a closed system where all these things are interrelated and yet the government – the control of the system, is by individual nation-states. How do you convince them to cooperate?” asked the ABC reporter.
Alexander King, the then leader of the World Bank, replied “Sovereignty of nations is no longer as absolute as it once was.” Adding “There is a gradual diminishing and whittling of sovereignty, little bit by little bit… Even in the big nations, this will happen.”
The Club of Rome also predicted major nations, like the United States, would have to cut back on their predominant demands for the world’s resources. Going on to put forward the idea of obliterating private enterprise entirely, allowing the state full control of all export, production and so forth.
“I think you will see down the road that Australia will have to lose some of its own self-decisions in order to acquire something else, which may be purely political in a very wide sense, or maybe also security.”
A dystopian future
With The Club of Rome’s suspiciously semantic yet ominous ideas being supposed, it certainly reveals a puzzling query from both sides of the coin. Rather than being “devoted to solving global issues associated with population and economic growth,” as stated on their website, maybe there really are elements of social engineering antics present.
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The club’s open condoning of the loss of sovereignty, loss of independence, loss of industrial privatisation and the overall indiscrete nudging at a New World Order is certainly a foundational element in questioning the moral fibre of World One. To put it in ABCs reporter’s words, “How are the club of Rome going to convince us to cooperate?”
When asking Dr Peccei what the average lifestyle will look like in 100 years, Peccei is unapologetic in his response regarding the wilderness and nature being “Bound to disappear.” Adding:
“You will probably have a smaller car, you will use more common transport means, you will work far less hours and you will have a wider cultural possibility than today. You will not be so much pestered by immediate needs because through technology, organisation of the markets, the basic needs will be taken care of and I think that you will love nature and continue then what I think you are doing now to protect our environment, to avoid this man-made world where the creatures of nature, the animals, the plants, the green spaces, the wilderness, are bound to disappear.”