Human Hair Analysis Reveals Evidence of Ancient Psychedelic Drug Use In Europe

The study provides unprecedented evidence of ritualistic psychedelic drug use in ancient Europe, dating back ~3,000 years.

Zac Whelan Zac Whelan

Opinion: What Are the Chances Elon Musk Is a Simulated Human?

And if he is a simulation, can Artificial Intelligence help us prove it?

8 Min Read

Scottish Researchers Detect Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease In Wild Dolphins

Brain pathology in dolphins and whales has significant similarities to the human brain, researchers say.

5 Min Read

Does the Mind Extend Beyond the Body?

The science behind telepathy is more compelling than you might think.

7 Min Read

Why the Brain Never Truly Sleeps: Discussing the Neuroscience

Extreme forms of insomnia, like fatal familial insomnia (FFI), are lethal. Here’s why you should

Yasmeen Naseer 9 Min Read

The World Is Experiencing An Infertility Crisis. And Experts Warn of Extinction

Infertility is increasing and sperm counts have plummeted 50% globally in recent decades, leading experts

Yasmeen Naseer 9 Min Read

Does Space Travel Accelerate the Ageing Process? Exploring the Science

Spaceflight kickstarts biological processes in the human body that look very similar to ageing.

8 Min Read

Ground-breaking DNA Research Identifies Mammals Most at Risk of Extinction

Genomic research by San Diego Zoo and UC Santa Cruz scientists could revolutionise conservation efforts

7 Min Read

Donated Poop Could Be the New Magic Elixir for Your Gut Problems

Ryan Schneider was just 25 when he developed incapacitating chronic pelvic pain. Urologists tried and failed to identify the cause

Yasmeen Naseer April 5, 2023

How Microbes Are Shaping the Future of Space Exploration

Even if manage to mitigate the many challenges of travelling through space, touching down at our destination does not mean

Gunnar De Winter April 10, 2023

Study Confirms Existence of ‘Inextricable’ Mind-Body Connection In Humans

A recent study from researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, published in the journal Nature,

Zac Whelan April 20, 2023

AI Took an Epic Leap Into Hyperspace Last Week: Here’s the Latest

Multiple major announcements and events have occurred in the AI space of late, signalling new

Caleb Donaldson Caleb Donaldson

Earth-Sized Telescope Network Captures Incredible Black Hole Jet Stream Image

The study of black holes is a captivating field of science, leaving the majority of

Zac Whelan Zac Whelan

Tripping on Kava, the 3,000 Year Old Fijian Psychoactive Drug

Many Australians are familiar with the beautiful island of Fiji; typically known for its palm-lined

Jaxx Ziegler Jaxx Ziegler

Why People Are Flocking To Spend Thousands on Luxury Psychedelic Wellness Retreats

In recent years, the wellness world has seen a major surge in the popularity of

Zac Whelan Zac Whelan

Zombie-Mania Goes Beyond TV. Undead Culture Is the New Pandemic

There’s a zombie drug sweeping the US called Tranq — an animal sedative often mixed with fentanyl.

Simon Black Simon Black

New Global Dataset Reveals Shocking Increase In Ocean Plastic Pollution Since 2005

A ground-breaking study published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE, reveals that ocean plastic pollution

Zac Whelan Zac Whelan
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Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Is Moving Beyond the Trip. Enter Psychoplastogens

Exploring the transformative potential of Psychoplastogens to unlock neuroplasticity in an exciting new frontier in the psychedelic-assisted therapy space.

Milly Adams 11 Min Read

Revealed: How Lifeline Australia Handles Data of Vulnerable Australians

Amid Crisis Text Line's data use scandal, serious concerns emerge about the use of vulnerable people's data provided in times

Zac Whelan 7 Min Read

Ground-breaking DNA Research Identifies Mammals Most at Risk of Extinction

Genomic research by San Diego Zoo and UC Santa Cruz scientists could revolutionise conservation efforts to protect endangered wildlife.

Zac Whelan 7 Min Read

Earth-Sized Telescope Network Captures Incredible Black Hole Jet Stream Image

55 million light-years away from Earth, a black hole leaves a giant jet stream of matter behind, as it devours

Zac Whelan 6 Min Read

Cracking the Genetic Code of Anxiety: Scientists Turn to Mice for Insights

Advancements in genetics research enable us to study the underlying causes of anxiety using animal models.

Gunnar De Winter 7 Min Read

The World Is Experiencing An Infertility Crisis. And Experts Warn of Extinction

Infertility is increasing and sperm counts have plummeted 50% globally in recent decades, leading experts to warn of a possible

Yasmeen Naseer 9 Min Read

30 Years After the Deadly Waco Siege, Tragic Questions Remain Unanswered

The world is still unravelling the truth behind the deadliest gunfight on American soil since the civil war, leaving 25

Jaxx Ziegler 23 Min Read

The Future of AI: Will Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Be Our Downfall?

The race to develop artificial general intelligence (AGI) has experts worried. But Elon Musk believes the benefits may outweigh the

Ronit Batra 7 Min Read

Study Confirms Existence of ‘Inextricable’ Mind-Body Connection In Humans

Previously misunderstood regions of the brain have shed new light on the powerful mind-body connection and networks controlling the body.

Zac Whelan 6 Min Read

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Tripping on Kava, the 3,000 Year Old Fijian Psychoactive Drug

Beyond the palm-lined beaches of Fiji, visitors engage in a psychologically significant Kava ceremony, where they

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Ground-breaking DNA Research Identifies Mammals Most at Risk of Extinction

Genomic research by San Diego Zoo and UC Santa Cruz scientists could revolutionise conservation efforts to
